1. Clean & Green Environment
2. Activity Room
Activity room is well equipped with several story books, interactive CDs, Smart Board, LCD TV,
Puppet Theatre and Puppets, Fish acquarium etc. It has lots of educational toys and puzzles to
enhance children’s fine motor and cognitive skills.
3. Class Rooms
Theme based class Rooms befitting the colour of the bruniture to give every room a feel different look.
4. Smart Board
Interactive Smart Board for easy operation and make the session a pleasant one for the tiny-tots.
5. Out-door Play Area
utdoor Play Area and colourful play equipment in the school provides the children an opportunity
to play outdoors and become physically strong. The school has a sand pit, various swings, slides and
plant figures.
6. In-door Play Area
The school has an indoor play area housing equipment such as ball pool, indoor slide, wooden horses
and lots of toys to play.
7. Traffic Park
Children’s Traffic Park has been developed for the children to imbibe road safety measures in a fun way.